An innovative company
Reveal is a spin-off of the Engineering Faculty of the University of Roma, Tor Vergata since 2012.
Reveal is specialized in Human-Language Technologies, Information Extraction, Document Classification and Understanding, Semantic Search on document bases, Web sources and Ontologies and Sentiment Analysis.

SAG and Reveal, a not-so-short story
The Reveal ancestor was born in 2007 at University of Roma, Tor Vergata.
The Semantic Analytics Group’s mission is the design and prototyping of large-scale scalable semantic systems, strongly based on vector-based Machine Learning algorithms. This group derives from the AI-NLP Lab ten years of successful research.

Cutting-edge Mission
To offer engineer state-of-the-art semantic applications based on complex machine learning and data-driven technologies for predictive analytics, personalized search, sentiment analysis and dialogue.
Pragmatic Vision
Making real for organizations the use of advanced AI systems. A strong focus on high added-value, cost-effectiveness and sustainability.
Active Research
Reveal maintains a central interest in active research, by supporting experimentation and systematic benchmarking of technological achievements in the fields of AI, Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing.
The Team
Hight expertise distinguishes our team of engineers and researchers.
Our team includes experts in complex software architectures and systems in the area of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing and Business Analytics. The innovative nature of the theories, paradigms, technologies and good practices involved in the engineering of AI solutions requires the cross-fertilization of very different knowledge bodies, backgrounds and expertise. The company provides active support in the different stages of penetration of an AI solution in public organizations, industries as well as professionals and service providers. The results support the entire lifecycle of an AI system, from the system design and knowledge modeling stages up to the fast delivery of accurate and performant intelligent applications
Roberto Basili
Full Professor in Computer Science since April 2017 at the Department of Enterprise Engineering, University of Roma, Tor Vergata.
Research: Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Deep Neural Learning, Semantic Content Processing, Web and Multimedia Retrieval (Google Scholar, DBLP, Scopus)
Teaching: Artificial Intelligence, Database Management Systems, Web Mining & Retrieval, Social Media Analytics.
Roberto Basili is currently a Member of the Steering Committee of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AI*IA) since 2005. He has been the co-founder of the Italian Association for Computational Linguistics (AILC) in 2014, and he is currently a Member of the AILC Steering Committee. He authored more than 190 papers in International Journals and Conferences in the areas of AI, NLP, Machine Learning, and Web Information Retrieval.
He served as Chief Scientist in Several International Projects since the ’90s.
Danilo Croce
Assistant Professor in Computer Science since July 2015 at the University of Roma, Tor Vergata.
Research: Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, Kernel Methods for Semantic Inferences, Question Answering, Dialogue (Google Scholar, DBLP, Scopus)
Teaching: Web Mining & Retrieval, Information Retrieval, Data Analytics
His research activities focused mainly on the study of statistical models of machine learning for complex problems of pattern recognition and for the design and development of intelligent applications in the field of Natural Language Processing. In particular, he is involved in the study of geometrical models of lexical semantics, machine learning techniques (such as Kernel-based Methods and Deep Neural Methods), together with the study of complex linguistic phenomena typical of social networks and, in general, Big Data: automatic acquisition of large-scale computational lexicons, Question Answering, Web Semantic Search, Social Data & Big Data analytics.
Andriy Shcherbakov
Andriy acts as a Senior System Architect and he is responsible for the Analysis, Development and Integration of Reveal’s applications.
Andriy Shcherbakov has a PhD in theoretical physics (Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, JINR, Dubna, Russia 2007) with the main research interests in the supersymmetric extensions of the Einstein gravity and string theory. The symbolic calculations used in his research allowed him to apply his knowledge to computer science in order to build Java-based applications for various environments.
Antonio Scaiella
Antonio acts as a Data Analyst and he is responsible for the Analysis and Development of AI modules involving Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning.
In 2019, he obtained a Masters’s Degree in Computer Science from the University of Roma Tor Vergata with a thesis involving the Automatic Captioning of images in Italian using complex Deep Neural Networks.
Monika Kakol
Monika is a Data Analist for Reveal since 2018.
She graduated in Tourism in the Mediterranean countries in the Polish Senior College of Theology and Humanities. She has 18 years of experience in publishing and digital communication.
From 2017 is enrolled to the Lazio Order of Journalists as a publicist and journalist.
Claudiu Daniel Hromei
Claudiu Daniel Hromei is a Ph.D. student interested in NLP and AI.
In 2020, he obtained a Masters’s Degree in Computer Science from the University of Rome Tor Vergata with a thesis involving the Automatic Natural Language Understanding in Human Robot Interaction medical scenario.
Daniele Margiotta
Daniele Margiotta has a Master’s degree in Computer Science and is interested in software development exploiting ML techniques.
Through his path as a Researcher at the University of Rome, Tor Vergata, he specialized in the use of Ontological Knowledge Sensitive Neural Learning Systems.